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First of the Year at Innovative Dentistry

We have been so busy this past winter and the beginning of the year! Snowmageddon threw us for a
loop and left us completely stranded in our own homes. It seemed that all of Seattle was stuck
at home to enjoy the snow! Safety is always our first priority and we appreciate all of our
patients for remaining flexible with us at times of uncertainty. Although it was beautiful to
have a winter wonderland that lasted so long, we are all ready for some sunny warm Seattle Spring weather!

This January the Innovative Dentistry Team got together for an all-staff meeting at Dr. Subherwal‘s
gorgeous home. During this meeting, we brainstormed some creative ways to make our office
run as efficiently as possible. When working closely in a dental office, or any office, it is important
that we remain a cohesive team. Our goal this year is to be “Better” in all ways. We want to
provide better care for our patients than last year and continue to grow and be, well, better!
We also had a fun giveaway during Valentine’s Day where we gave away a $200 gift certificate
to the renowned El Gaucho restaurant! Keep an eye out on our Facebook for upcoming events
and giveaways going on so you don’t miss out! We also got to see some pretty fun pictures
from Dr. Subherwal and Pardeep’s time at Holi Festival of colors! It is so amazing to be able to
learn about all the different cultures within our office. Our Facebook has some fun pictures if you are interested in seeing more about it!

The first week of March is Dental Assistant Appreciation week! We are so thankful for all of our
dental assistants for keeping the office on track and helping out in every way! Thank you Alecia,
May Judy, Pardeep, Edie, and Chan for everything you guys do for the Innovative Dentistry Team! We appreciate you all!

For all you Amazon employees, April 1st is the first day of your renewed dental insurance plans
which means fresh benefits for fresh teeth. If you have been waiting to come in until you have
new benefits now is the time to give the office a call and schedule to get your teeth cleaned. But don’t wait too long as our hygienists get booked up for being so fabulous!

We are so happy Spring is here and have some fun things up our sleeve… Keep an eye out
around the office and on our Facebook to keep up with what we are doing!